Sunday, September 23, 2012

SpecFic NZ Blogging week Episode 6

Okay, maybe not posted every day...but, I WILL do the final episode by the end of today. So, on with the show:

"Panathea - Bunyip Girl of Prophecy - Episode 6"

The Big Kahuna dangled high above the city.

"Where's the food, Kahuna?" said Pan, "People starve, a bag of rice costs a week's wages. Release the food. Let us live."

"There's no more food, there's too many bloody people," he screamed, "the few eat, the rest barely survive. If it was fair, everyone would starve."

Pan looked down to her gang. They couldn't hear the conversation. The city sprawled out around them. Taking charge of it was a big ask of a street gang. But she was the girl of Prophecy.

Pan cut the rope and the Kahuna went down.

So what will Panathea do now?????

Find out later!!!!

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